Magic & Miracles

 Magic and Miracles

We all know what is Magic, and we all enjoy it as it plays tricks with our minds. I too also liked magic, but while I was reading (ACTS 8:9-25) the chapter said magic also called sorcery was bad.


There was a man named Simon who was practicing sorcery and the people were praising him for doing these things. Now after some time one of John’s disciples (John The Baptist and not Jesus’ brother) named Philip was preaching the word of God and performed many Miracles. Then the people where Philip preached were baptized including Simon!



What’s the difference between Magic and Miracles?



Magic is from Satan

Miracles are from GOD

Magic is the work of bad people

Miracles are the work of Gods People


How can we perform Miracles?

Well, if we want to perform Miracles then we need to first have the HOLY SPIRIT, Accept GOD Is Our PERSONAL SAVIOUR and BEING BAPTIZED. Then we should continuously Pray. In God's time, He will strengthen us to have Faith and do the impossible without even seeing it. Then we will be able to perform Miracles and surely we will be victorious.


