The parable of the bags of Gold

The parable of the bags of Gold

Jesus told his disciple's different types of parables.

Today we are going to see....yup you guessed it!! The parable of the bags of gold from Matthew 25: 14 to 30.

Now let's see, Jesus told his disciples a story that had gone like this.
Once, there was a master who was going on a journey. The master had 3 servants and he trusted them to bring him good wealth lets say... So, he gave his 1st servant 5 bags of gold. Wow, that’s a lot!! He then gave his 2nd servant 2 bags of gold. Yup! gold! He also gave his 3rd servant 1 bag of gold. Then the 1st servant got 5 more bags of gold by doing hard work. That’s 10 bags in total for the 1st servant. Then the 2nd servant got 2 more bags. That’s 4 bags in total. The 3rd servant did not do any work instead he just dug a hole and buried the gold there. When the master returned from his journey, he told his servants to show what they have done. The 1st servant told,” master, I have earned 5 more bags of gold.”

The master said,” Come and share your master's happiness!” Then the 2nd servant said,” Master, I have earned 2 more bags of gold.” Then the Master said,” Come and share your master's happiness!” Then the third servant said,” Master I know you have trusted me but I have buried the gold to keep it safe.”
Then the master said,” You foolish lazy servant, you just buried my gold in the earth.” Then the Master threw the servant out of his home.

My message for all of you including myself is that: We should be like servants 1 and 2, so that we will go to heaven, but to do that we should get baptized, receive the Holy Spirit, and accept God as our personal Savior.
Also, we should do many more for God like preaching his testament to others.

God Bless you all.


  1. Well done Josh! May the Lord lead you to more and more insights.

  2. Hi Joshua. Wonderful insights. I cannot believe you have written this. Send more to Ammachi

  3. Praise God
    Well done Joshua. Keep up. Go ahead.
    God bless you

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Michelle Chechi, I dont know why your comment is removed but thank you for the encouragement

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow Joshua! This is absolutely wonderful. So proud of you - you have written an insightful post at such a young age. Love it! Keep expressing more and may God bless you abundantly - Nita

  7. Well done my dear. God bless you more and more.. don't delay to accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour.

  8. Wow!!Praise God!! Keep writing...would love to see that going....God bless you Joshua!!


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