
 The word Depression is pretty much a lot more common nowadays as the devil is basically tempting more and more people into doing bad things which then lead to depression.

What is Depression & How’s it Caused?

In simple word’s depression is  a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. This happens to a lot of people right now for many different reasons such as

    ⁃    Cocaine issues  (drugs)
    ⁃    Drinking Issues
    ⁃    Thinking of committing death.
    ⁃    Loss of a family member

These are some of the many reasons that trigger depression.

What could I do to prevent depression?

I believe that we should pray to God and read the scriptures to prevent depression. And if we read the Scripture and pray to God everyday, the Lord will protect us and help us to take the right decisions at the right time. He helps us understand what we should do in tough times. If we continue to pray and read the Bible everyday, the devil can’t do anything to us as we have the Lord’s protection.

What to do when we have Depression?

Although, the doctors might say that we need to take medication for depression and I am not trying to promote to not take medication. But let’s make sure to take time to read the Lord’s scripture. Especially verses that are related to the problems that we have.

Bible verses to read when going through tough times:

    ⁃    Psalms 34:18 ( The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit)
    ⁃    1 Peter 5:7 (Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you)
    ⁃    Proverbs 12:25 (Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up)
    ⁃    Psalms 55:22 (Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken)

These are some of the many verses that help when having a hard time.

I would like to conclude by saying that we shouldn’t feel depressed for any reason. Or better yet, we could ask God for guidance and He will surely answer us. So even if we have depression or any problems in general let’s just kneel down on our knees and pray to the Lord our God and ask him for the guidance that we need. Ask him for the healing and to come out of our comfort zone. And when we are out of our comfort zone, we can set an example to others and be a living testimony that God cares for everybody and that He is willing to change our life whether we are in the good state or in the bad state! When we have God’s protection there’s nothing that can stop us, not even the devil!

God bless,


  1. Great article Joshua! Very encouraging verses. Keep it up

  2. Very NICE! KEEP it up! YOU will be lifted up! MALAR

  3. Good one Joshua, God bless

  4. Useful thought.Apt to the season.God bless you Joshua.Continue to encourage others in Christ :-)😊

  5. Well done Joshua. Well said

  6. A great eye opener,Joshua.Thank God for your talent to edify others..

  7. Very nice thoughts my lil sunshine 🌞 , may the Lord use you mightily!

  8. Wonderful dear Josh… such an encouraging message.. God bless u..


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