Overcoming Temptations

Overcoming something is very difficult for a person particularly it is even more difficult if someone is addicted to something. In the same way, we get temptations many times, and overcoming them is even more arduous. 

When Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, he failed because Jesus was holy through the Word of God. We can only overcome temptations if we pray, read the Word of God, and worship the Lord. Another main factor to overcome temptations is the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us on the right path. Matthew 7:13-14 says that we should choose the narrow gate (the path that leads to life) for if we choose the wide gate (the path to destruction) we would fail the expectation Christ has from us. The Holy Spirit is the only way to enter through the narrow gate as it will guide us and help us choose the right path.

"Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." This phrase was told to Satan by Jesus when he tried to tempt Him. Jesus says that our body needs food to function or be able to do things that are needed in our daily lives. In the same way, we need the Word of God to properly have a relationship with God and to be able to walk close to God like Enoch. 

What does God think about Temptations?

In James 1:13 God says that when someone is tempted no one should say that God tempted that person. This is because God is Holy, and he cannot sin and be tempted, nor can he tempt anyone. Verse 14 tells us that temptations occur because of our worldly desires. So, we should be familiar with the Word of God otherwise Satan can tempt us and we will be under his rule. 

God bless, 
