Be Ready!

Now we are in this time of pandemic where we are in danger but we Christians have Jesus Christ.

Jesus may come today or tomorrow or even a day after but we don’t know that for sure, so we should be ready.
We need the Holy Spirit, preach to others, get baptized and many more and that’s the way we should be ready.

But we may have distractions like: in college when people don’t see us and we feel like doing something bad but we should every time say that: Would Jesus do it? If you say that Jesus will not do it then it means that we should not do it either. If you feel Jesus will do it, then you can do it. But you can’t lie for example: if Sam wanted to do something bad like seeing stuff on YouTube that his parents told him that he was not supposed to watch because his parents were not at home but he still thinks that it is okay! He is making the wrong choice. What would you do if you were in this situation?

Reply in the comments what would you do so that I know what you would do.

This is what I would do: I would ask myself - Would Jesus do this?
If I feel that He will not watch it, then even I would not watch it. 

We all have to pray while we are in this time of the pandemic only then will God stop it and we all can live our normal lives again. 

Let God Bless Each One Of You!


  1. That’s a great way to check if something is doable or not! May God help you and all other children to make the right decisions in life. God bless you Josh - Amma

  2. Very good thoughts Joshua. Keep on writing. Also keep on read. May God use you to do great things.

  3. Joshu, that was a good decision you spoke today for all children to practice. I am proud of you ponnu. Ammachi

  4. Bingo Joshua...Good job!!
    Great thoughts....God bless !😊

  5. Joshua, this is very deep. It is a great way to be in check of one's actions. Keep writing. Waiting for the next - Nita Mamma.


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