Let's Start Rejoicing

We know that our God is a very patient God but He has His limits. 
Now in Ezekiel 9, it says that God took a man who was wearing linen and he marked the red cross on the people who were crying out to God as they were crying & praying about all the sinful things that were going on around them. However, the people who did not have the red cross on their forehead because they did not pray got killed by the angel of death. But if we have the red cross the angel of death will spare us. So let's start rejoicing in the Lord because we are His chosen children. 

Our God is so mighty that he can save us from everything and anything. So we have to pray to him so that he can make the pandemic which is going on right now to stop. But do you know how to make the pandemic to stop? Yup, that's right we have to cry and pray to God to forgive all the sinful things that are happening around us and read the Bible as well. 


  1. Very nice Joshua! This is an encouraging reminder for Nita mama. God's encouragement comes to us in different ways. Thank you for writing this - it blessed me.

  2. Very apt message in this pandemic corona season. God Bless you .


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