The Wise And Foolish Builders

We all might have heard/watched/read about this chapter in Mathew 7:24-29. Well, if you did, that's great!!  I will be explaining the chapter so that you can apply it in your daily life. So in this chapter, it says that the 1st builder had applied the right information to build his house. So he built his house on a strong foundation which was a rock and some strong materials to build the house.
The second builder didn't use his information wisely so he built his house on sandy land and built his house with soft and not very strong materials.

So, instead of building his house on a rock or any other strong and high foundation, he built his house on the sandy/plain land. Then the water came, it was raining heavily and water was flowing but the 1st builder's house was on a high and strong foundation and built his house with strong materials so he did not worry a lot with the water.

The 2nd builder's house was built on a sandy/plain land so his house had collapsed because of the water flowing and the rain.

So what I want to emphasize is that, "Whatever we hear from the Word of God we should write it down in our heart so that we will be able to apply it in our daily life. Just remember to apply and practice it on a daily basis. 
