Do you know what is Faith? Hmmm
hmmm what is it? In Hebrews 11:1 it says that, Faith is confidence what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Now what does this verse mean? It means that Faith is what we hope for and thing’s which we do not see, so that is whatever we hope which we can’t think or even ever see we believe that God can do it for us..
So if we have enough faith we can move a mountain without any tools like drillers or any other tools like that. So if we pray to God to have more faith we will be able to say to a mountain move from here to there and it will happen.
So, here is a small quiz, and it’s super easy!! You could read he question and whenever you get the answer write it in the comment section below 😁
- Do you know how Enoch was taken from this earth to heaven alive? _________________
- How did Abel bring a better offering than Cain? ______________
- How is Abel commanded as righteous, when God spoke well of his offering’s? ___________
- And how does Abel still speak even after death?________________
(A small hint for you : Just 1 word fits all the answers above!!)
So I hope you did the quiz - now back to the topic.....
Mathew 14:19-21 says,
Then The disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “ Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, ”Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ’Move from here to there ,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
When we have Faith we can do so many things like moving a mountain but there is a catch here - we can’t just pretend or think that we have Faith, we need real faith to do such extraordinary miracles that no one has ever seen before.
We now see that the people in the Bible like Daniel, Abel, Abraham, Noah etc had faith and they were able to do things like Noah built an ark even when nobody believed in him, Daniel told Nebucudnezzer’s dream because he had faith and all the other people in the Bible have faith so if we have faith we can do many thing’s in Christ and not doubt him that will this happen or not.
(Answer: Faith) This is a great topic Joshua, but it takes so much effort as a christian to be able to walk in faith and see things in faith. Nita mama struggles with it always when it comes down to a situation that I need to have faith. I am like a doubting Thomas - know it theoretically but practically a zero. Big struggle. I hope and pray you would be able to be a man of faith as you grow up.