
Do you know what failure is? Yes...  I know most of you are thinking that not accomplishing that particular thing or goal is called failure. Yes that’s true, but it also means ‘To proceed in life’.

What do I mean - ‘proceed in life’? Well, when you wished to do a particular thing and you failed that job or goal, you will maybe go to do another job in life. Then you will maybe or not accomplish the goal. 

“Look failure is not bad or good it’s somewhere in the middle.  Failure is in the middle and it doesn’t mean that you would always fail or always accomplish the goal. Sometimes you may fail and sometimes you will accomplish. You can’t always accomplish the task or goal... Well, if you could that’s awesome!!! But sadly no one can do that all the time. If you could do it then signup for the Guinness world record you will be famous!!!  😀

Now let’s come back to the topic. So how to apply something which you have failed on in another scenario like this one:

There was a boy named Jackson and he was sad that he got an F in a math test. When he came back home he showed his parents his paper. His parents also became sad and Jack had always wanted to impress his parents. The reason he got an F on his test was that he forgot to prepare for his test. Then another test came, and this time Jack did not want to let his parents down again so this time he took his maths textbook and studied all the 5 chapters and even spent till almost 12 midnight to complete his work: Then the next day on the day of the exam, Jack was so nervous but he tried his best. The questions in the test were similar but it was just written in different ways. Then it was the day when the teacher announced the marks! Do you want to know something surprising Jack got the class topper his marks were B+. That’s pretty sick, right? Jack was so happy that he went home rejoicing. His parents were so happy that they gave him a treat from Pizza Hut because of his great marks!!!😊

But If Jack didn’t study and had forgotten the test was on Tuesday then he might have never got his Pizza treat or get to be the class topper.

I hope you can relate to my story. So what I would like you guys to do is that - you need to write in the comment box something which you failed in and how you used that incident which you failed in and applied it in another scenario.

I also would want to encourage everyone who is reading this to read this verse whenever you have failed on something so that you can remember the main idea of this passage and then you will never be feeling down or depressed due to failure.

 ‘Psalms 73 : 26, ‘ My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. ‘


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