Being Chosen!


Ever felt that I should have been the one who should have been chosen for that play or I should have passed the MIT Exam? 

Well then, even if you felt that you shouldn’t be feeling sad as God might have chosen you to do something else differently. 

He might not show it to you immediately but as time goes on, He will show you the vision/plan later on in your life.

What must you do while you're waiting for your God's call?

Well, you should practice writing or preaching the gospel for the Lord. If you want you could : 

  • Write devotional blogs while you wait on the Lord to show you His plan
  • Preach about God in school/work while you wait on the Lord to show you His plan
  • Tell about the word of God in your home/church while you wait on the Lord to show you His plan. 

(You can also do other spiritual things while you wait on the Lord to show you His plan!)

What should I do when I receive God's plan for me?

Well, you could slowly work your way up to get to the plan that God has for you. 

For Example: If God's plan for you is to preach the word of God to your community then you can start preaching to your parents, then you can preach to your church, then to your neighbors, and then to your community. So you could work your way up to achieve Gods plan!

1st Timothy 1:12 and 13, it says “I thank Christ Jesus for our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.” 

These two verses show us that Christ Jesus had chosen a violent man who hated Christians and persecuted all the Christians! But once, Christ Jesus had preached to him about God’s Word he had changed his attitude and started to preach to everyone about the gospel. Wherever Paul had gone, he preached about God's Word! 

The above paragraph showed us that God can choose anybody to come and preach the ways of the Lord just as Paul the Apostle had done! So if you ever feel sad that you had not gotten the part for the lead role in a play or did not get selected for a competition or even failed an exam, don’t feel disowned as you might have been chosen to preach Gods Word which is far greater than getting the lead role, getting selected for a competition or even passing an 

exam! Just remember that worldly things will not last for eternity but Spiritual things will last forever and ever!

God bless, Joshua


  1. Wonderful ! Thought provoking- work your way up by starting small! - Nita mama


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