Alive In Christ!

We all know how sin came to every man. Through Adam and Eve.

When Adam and Eve sinned, we had so many sins and transgressions that we were dead in them. The only way to cure this was if God's own Son died for our sins!

If you ask how we got these sins? Well, that happened, when we followed the ways of this world and the ways of the worldly rulers and not the spiritual rulers like King David.

The Israelites followed the ways of the world that they forgot about what God had done for them! So, we were by nature deserving God's wrath!

Even though, we deserved His wrath, which was first of all great! Our God did not let that happen. Instead, he had a different plan which was bringing His One and Only Son, Jesus ChristChrist then paid for our sins through his death on the cross. That his blood cured our sins and removed God's wrath from us.

Christ made us alive and brought our relationship back to God even when we were dead in sins and transgressions. When we were cleansed in Christ Jesus, and saved in grace, God raised us up with Christ and seated us with God in the Heavenly Realms of Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 2: 8 says:- ‘For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, this is not from yourselves, but from the gift of God.
The verse means that, ‘It is because of grace or God's Mercy we have been saved, through faith. This grace did not come from our doings or anything from us. Instead, it has all come from God, it was part of God's plan that he saved us. It was part of God's plan that he sent His only Son to die for our sins! He is the only person who showed us His mercy even when we sinned against more than we could ever imagine! It is only that we are saved from his doing! Otherwise, we would all be carrying our own crosses (the cross Jesus Christ died in) and facing our punishment! It is said that if we want to follow our Lord, Jesus Christ we first have to carry our cross for the sins we did!

For we are created in God's own image. We were created in Christ to do good, which God prepared in advance for us to do. We just have to do it when God showed us his purpose! If you ever feel that God did not give you a purpose, just remember that God created you, in his own liking, with his own hands! Plus God will reveal His purpose for you in His time! You can also remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and God loves you just the way you are!

God bless,


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