Flocks of Sheep!

When we hear the phrase ‘flocks of sheep’ we immediately think of a group of sheep on a farm. But did you know that the phrase 'flocks of sheep' is referred to in the Bible! Does the Bible refer to flocks of sheep to the literal animal group or is it like a metaphor?

The way how the Bible refers to flocks of sheep is a metaphor, basically ‘flocks of sheep are us human beings!’ You might be wondering like ‘HOW!!!’ 

Psalms 95:7 says, “He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.” The verse basically says that Our lord is our one and only God, and we are the people of this green land. The sheep under His mighty wings.

A normal flock of sheep is guarded and protected by a shepherd. The shepherd risks his own life to protect his sheep. If the flock did not have a shepherd, its predators would just come and eat the whole flock. That’s why a shepherd guards a flock. So that means if we are the sheep, then who is our shepherd?
Well, Psalms 23:1 clearly says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” So that clearly answers our question on who protects us. If we pray and read the Bible we will have protection from the Lord our shepherd.

How do we know if the Lord is with us and protecting us?

Well, Psalms 118:6 says, “The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
So we can safely say that the Lord is with us at all times, and we should not be afraid. The devil cannot do anything to us. Exodus 14:14 also says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." This verse says to us that the Lord will be fighting for us at all times and all we need to do is continue on with our lives trusting in Him!
Basically, these two verses cover both of our questions, Psalms 118:6 says that the Lord will be with us at all times and Exodus 14:14 says that the Lord will be fighting for us at all times!

Psalms 91:11 says,” For He commands His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways”
This verse reminds us that the Lord will command His angels to guard us against all the evil things in this world!

God bless,


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