The Gate


We all must have seen barriers that can open and close in front of people’s villas. This is called a gate. Now a gate when closed blocks people from entering that place. That is the purpose of a gate.

If we look at Matthew 7:13, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” Matthew is explaining that the narrow gate leads to eternal life while the other gate that is wide and broad leads to eternal death even it appears to be smooth and easy.

Many people choose the wide gate because of its characteristics but they do not know that this gate leads to eternal death. In fact only the disciples have been informed in ahead of time to choose the narrow gate.

Verse 14 says,” But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” This verse explains that the small gate and narrow the road leads to eternal life which is confirmation to verse 13.

If we now look at Luke 13:24 (Make every effort to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able.) This verse tells us that many people will now try to enter through the narrow gate even though they are not worthy enough to go through the gate because their did not meet the Godly purpose that He had planned for them.

I would like to conclude by saying that we should take and make all our efforts to go through the narrow gate and make sure that we follow according to God’s plan and that we open our ears to listen to Him at all times. Read the scripture and make time to understand his word. We should be able to stand against all of the temptations Satan gives us to enter the path of the wide gate (the gate to hell). We should be able to shield ourselves with the Armor of God to withstand all the flaming arrows that Satan tries to throw at us (Shield of faith).We can also use the shoes fitted with the readiness of the Gospel to preach the Word of God to others. And this way, Satan cannot touch or harm us because we have the Armor of God and the Lord’s protection.

God bless,


  1. As always blessed to read the thoughts God lays on your heart! May the Lord continue to fill you with heavenly insights and be used for His heaven! ♥️

  2. good thought Joshua, based on our SS theme. God bless

  3. Thank you Joshua. Blessed!

  4. Good thought. God bless u mon.

  5. Good thought. Good bless.

  6. Good work Joshua, Proud of you.
    God bless you.

  7. Very nice!! Keep writing Joshua!! God bless!!

  8. God bless Joshua..
    Keep writing!!


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