Deeds of the Lord


Psalms 77:11-12 says, "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds."

These two verses tell us that we should never forget the deeds the Lord has done for us. We should be grateful for what the Lord has given us. We should be grateful for our family, the healing he has given us, and many more. Many times the Israelites had forgotten what the Lord had done for them and used to rebel all the time against the Lord. But sooner or later, they understood that God cares for them and understood the deeds or good works he had given them. 

Psalms 143:5 says that we should meditate on all the good things the Lord has given us, times when we were stuck but God was there to remove those hard times. We all have ups and downs. During our downs, we should rely on God and bring Him into our life, give Him all our troubles and He will make those hard times into good times. All we have to do is allow Him to mend our broken hearts. During our ups, we tend to forget how God has brought us there. We think that because of our own strength, we got through all those tough times. But in reality, it was God who made us overcome those hard stony times.

Praying, praising, worshipping or even giving glory to God is like a thank you to God for the deeds he has given us. All God wants from us is a thank you for good deeds. If we can just give some time from our day to thank the Lord for the life he has given us, the family we have, the health we have etc, He is surely to bless us. 

God bless Joshua
